Internet Affiliate Marketing

Internet Affiliate Marketing

One of the most important tips for your affiliate marketing is to try lots of different schemes and to throw as many of those at the wall as you can. Let’s say you have an article on shoes for instance and you include a link to buy a pair of nice heels. Now this might work for a number of your visitors, but there are still going to be those who aren’t in the market for shoes right now meaning you’re not capitalising fully on that internet wesbite traffic. Add in a link to buy belts to go with those shoes and you’ve just collected some of those people – with affiliate marketing it really is a matter of ‘the more the merrier’.

At the same time, by having lots of different affiliate accounts, you don’t risk losing your whole business model because one of those sites shuts down or your account gets inexplicably band. Try lots of affiliate schemes, introduce new ones to keep things fresh, and experiment with different combinations across your pages. Avoid Small Fry.

That said, you should still be discriminating when choosing your affiliate links. Not only is this important because you need to ensure that your visitors trust your recommendations, but also because users clicking and buying the $3 item on your site are unlikely to return and then click to buy the $20 item – even if they otherwise would have been interested. Sending someone away from your website is something that you should avoid unless you really have the right financial incentives.

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